Thursday, 18 October 2012

Drawing upon similar artists album work

This is the artist website and album artwork of Sven Vath, frankfurt based DJ who is also signed to cocoon records the same as our artist Maetrik. We can draw upon his album artwork for inspiration in designing the digipack for our artist because the two artists conjure up similarities in their music and style, and in particular with relation to the planned style of our music video this album cover draws upon man ray like themes. We can draw upon this in terms of colour scheme and style, however due to the nature of our track we would make our digipack look more underground and edgy.

This is a screenshot taken from his website, it provides a more colourful angle on his promotional art. If we decided to go in a more contrasted colourful foreground on a dark background direction then we could draw on this example of a similar artists expression of his image and genre through digipack.

This is another example of a different style of Sven Vath's album cover design if we decide to take the digipack in a more retro style without the use of colour. The common theme between all of these covers is that they all feature a portrait, ours draws on this theme but in a different style with ideas of a pair of glasses and a Man Ray image in the reflection of the lenses.

This is a fourth example of a direction our album cover artwork could take in creating a more rebellious underground artist image through the use of stencil grafitti on a public derelict wall.




  1. Tom - you have worked well on your blogging in the past week. you still need to post your animatic - to complete the storyboarding process and evaluate this. You have also not posted your CD cover design, but I know that you was working on this in class. I feel that in order for you reach a level four criteria, you should be making inks between your artist, the star image that you want to create and the target audience that you have profiled. I feel this is important to achieve. On other posts you annotate your ideas well with some insightful comments - we need more of this. Please spend some time revising the post entries and what you need to complete.

  2. Also please ensure that you have the appropriate presentation of images - some of these can easily be rotated to be the 'right way up'. Please see me if you need help doing this.
