We had one major issue in that our male cast for the dancing scenes didn’t turn up and we had to work around this by reworking the concept of no sexual identity, meaning that in this club there was no sexuality everyone did what they wanted. We had to rework this as it was pretty unclear without any male cast to play the parts, so we ended up just turning it into a female fetish bondage club with a minor freedom of sexuality theme. I think the scene with the plastic panels set was the best because the lighting and actors looked really genuine and it represented the most meaning throughout our video. The panels were almost like windows into a fantasy world where there were no rules or labels and no societal condemnations on what people did, this part for me was the most representational of our traditional idea of the ‘Grey Room’ taken from Fifty Shades of Grey’s ‘Red Room’.
The only part of the shoot I wish had gone better was the pole dancing in the dancing scene where the characters looked much less natural and looked more like they were performing to the camera rather than just in a club scene. We managed our talent well as we constantly had one of the group in a directory role constantly directing and telling the cast what to do how to act even throughout the shots were going on. The bit of the shoot I enjoyed the most was the plastic panels scene because there were parts of this that I filmed which I thought I filmed really well and it was also the most successful part in my opinion, especially in representation of the overall themes. The part I’m looking forward to most in the editing is the watchers scene with the rising floor as we filmed plenty of different shot types and angles for this scene and it’ll be interesting working out which shots to cut into and how create an interesting sequence that relates to voyeurism.
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