Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Research into similiar artists

The Prodigy
We're researching into the Prodigy as a means for inspiration for our video from a similar artist. We're looking into the ways the Prodigy promote themselves and the way they utilise new media technologies as a means of inspiration for our artist.
http://www.theprodigy.com/index.php The Prodigy use their website to keep in connection with the fans particularly currently with a merchandise label advertised on their website called 'Red Ant Label', they use this by having their fans send in pictures of their red ant tattoos. Also to attract hits for their website they have a hot topics news feed which shares news that feeds into their psychadellic image.
http://soundcloud.com/theprodigy The Prodigy use soundcloud to upload new tracks they've made to again keep in connection with their fans and promote their own music.

 This is a music video of the Prodigy's for the song out of space, It clearly links in with their image and continues to market them as this psychadellic, partially insane band.

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