Friday, 22 June 2012

Preliminary Music Video

Music Video Prelim

In the studio we filmed each other lip syncing to price tag by Jessie J, once in front of the green screen, a fireplace set and a tracking shot in front of a cave set. We took a series of different shots from medium shots to close ups and extreme close ups. We rotated in our roles so that everyone had a turn at being the director, filmer, singer etc. We learned how to sync up the music with the singers through the editing process and how to keep serious on set and get the music video results that look proffessional. We also learned a lot about the performance side of music videos through this. I enjoyed filming tracking shots because it was different to what we had done before and it was a more complex shot to take than the others we had been previously trying. I learned that its vital for the singer to know the lyrics for the music video to look confident and flow properly and that when editing it to make the video flow cutting accurately on the beat of the song makes the video look successful. The thing I liked least about being in the studio was pressing the button for the music because it wasn't that involved. When we edited our shots together to make our music video prelims we took it in turns to edit, I cut the ending shots together on the beat and helped line everything up correctly whilst other people were editing. I enjoyed cutting the shots to the beat because it was something new that I had learned to do but it made such a difference to the video in linking it together and making it flow successfully. I found synching everything up difficult though because we got it wrong by a miniscule amount and it was obvious and made a huge difference so we had to go back and re do it. We decided among ourselves to use the shots in the sequence we did so that it would all flow and conform to music videos we had been looking at prior to the task. We cut the music to the beat by deleting the sound from the shots and going through the song soundtrack in super slow motion to find out exactly where the beat started and cut into it. I've learned that to make a successful music video your singer needs to know the words so that they can be confident in their performance and give a realistic performance. This overall task will influence my video in september by making sure the singer knows the words and obtaining a wide range of interesting shots to choose between and cut through to each other.

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