Friday, 18 November 2011

Target Audiences

 The primary target audience for this film is 15-24 year olds, however there is a secondary audience of fans of leonardo dicaprio which would be a predominately female audience and could range in age from women in their 30's who grew up with Leonardo in films such as Romeo and Juiliet or Titantic 17 years ago. We can tell that the film attracts a global audience almost purely from the fact that it is a paramount produced film. With a hollywood conglomerate producing the film they will use the huge funding they have to carry on the formulaic type film that appeals to a global audience and draws in the best rates of return. An example of this with in the film is the director Martin Scorsese who is famous for directing films like Mean Streets 1973, Taxi Driver 1976, Raging Bull 1980 and Goodfellas 1990. This creates another audience for fans of Martin Scorsese cineastees who appreciate the work of Scorsese and are fans of him as an auteer who'd watch the film.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011


Audiences enjoy thrillers because thrillers create excitement and drama that thrill people and let them experience the action. The target audience for 'The Butterfly Effect' is a younger audience because some concepts are unrealistic and there is a lot of excitement and pace throughout. Also the main character is played by Aston Kutcher which clearly appeals to a younger audience. The target audience for this film is probably about 13 - 19. 'The Silence of the Lambs' targets an older audience as it is more graphic and realistic. The target audience is about late teens onwards. 'Seven' again targets an older audience because of its graphic content and the complexity of the plot.

This is the trailer for 'The Butterfly Effect'. It is a psychological thriller which is made up of false endings but ultimately ends with a compromised ending. It represents a thriller through the key feature of an ever sense of dread that the audience cannot prevent. The pace is also raised extremely high at points and exictement is created through the choices made by the protaganist that we follow. Its target audience would be roughly 14-19 because of the choice of actor as the protaganist and the less realistic themes within the film
This is the trailer for the film 'Seven', a psychological thriller that finishes with a compromised ending. The target audience is a bit older for this thriller as the plot is more complex and its more graphic. However the actor Brad Pitt has been chosen partly due to his appeal to women and so this widens the age range but i would say its roughly 15 onwards.