Friday, 23 September 2011

Different Camera Shots

In preparation for the preliminary task we've learnt about different camera angles and shots such as high angles, low angles, eyeline match, shot reverse shot, establishing shot, close ups, mid shots, swish pan etc.

This is an example of high and low angles in the programme 'Scrubs'. Here we see a use of high angles looking down on the postman to represent him beneath the nurse. There are low angles looking up at Carla to put her in a posistion of power especially when juxtaposed with the high angles of the postman.
Eyeline matches are used to show what a character is looking at, often a point of interest the directer wants the audience to focus on.
Shot reverse shots are used in conversations to show reactions of other characters to what another character has done.
Establishing shots are used to establish the settings or surroundings of the scene.

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